The Black Holes are dynamic burning mechanism which incentivise the burning of SpaceX.
How it works (1)
This Black Hole has a 24h countdown timer, and operates like a standard lottery.
The higher the amount of SpaceX a user participates, the higher their win chance (uniform distribution).
Every 24h, a user wins:
70% credited instantly to the the winner
10% is burned
20% carries over to the next round
How it works (2)
This Black Hole has a 6h countdown timer which resets on each bid.
Minimum Bid/Win chance is 1% of the Black Hole balance. Maximum Bid/Win chance is 10% of the Black Hole balance. Your win chance = The percentage of the Black Hole amount you bid.
Example 10,000 SpaceX Black Hole Balance User A bids 100 SpaceX, which offers them a 1% chance of winning. User B bids 1000 SpaceX, which offers them a 10% chance of winning.
If a user wins, Black Hole balance is distributed as follows:
70% credited instantly to winnerβs address
10% is burned
20% carries over to the next round
If a user loses:
90% goes to Black Hole balance
10% is burned
If nobody bids over a 6h period:
50% is burned
40% carries over to the next round
10% goes towards partner or promo pools
Last updated